Pancetta Arrotolata

The Pancetta Arrotolata

(rolled bacon) is made using

the rindless belly of exclusively

Italian pigs.

It is salted and flavoured with

pepper and other spices.

After being tied up with string,

it is aged for at least three

months and thus acquires a

pinkish-white colour.

It melts in one’s mouth thus

exalting its unique aroma.

It does not contain

milk by-products and

is gluten-free.

SALUMIFICIO PIOVESAN s.r.l. Via Cal Lusent, 55 - 31040 Pederobba (TV) ITALIA - C.F./P. IVA/R.I. TV-BL 03006060267 - TEL. +39 0423 688718 -
Capitale Sociale Euro 50.000,00 i.v.

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